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Thursday, February 24, 2011

10 Reasons to boycott Bell of Lost Souls

This isn't in any particular order.
  1. No copy editing
  2. Reporting old news and rumors
  3. Goatboy's ego and online persona
  4. Leafblower
  5. Interviewing people no one really cares about
  6. Beating stories to death just for more comments and page-views
  7. First!
  8. No more real campaign or hobby material
  9. Ads! More Ads and even more Ads!
  10. BoLS site loadtimes

What is your top 10?


  1. 1. Grammar Police
    2. Compilation of stories that ruins my forum readings
    3. What's up with Blue and Orange?
    4. The Goatboy's Goatee
    5. Bad Caption Contests
    6. Blogroll that contains no interviews
    7. Missing a story because it wasn't repeated
    8. Uncreative firsters
    9. No more free stuff
    10. Load time on my 600MHz iBook

  2. This one time, there was this guy who got butthurt on the internet.

    It was you!

  3. I would have to agree with most of the points on that list, and I really do miss the campaigns. That is what first really brought me to the site.

  4. 1. Covering those "other" games systems. For the love of the Emprah nobody cares about FoW OR Whoremachine/Whordes or WTF ever that game with those aesthetically horrific warjack-things is called...

    (If you don't know me you'd think I wasn't being sarcastic...)
